Thomas Road Clinic - Now Open

Term Fees

All 30min classes          $115 per term

All 45min classes          $120 per term 

All 60min classes         $125 per term 



Jazz/Tap combo            $200 per term for one jazz class and one tap class taken by the same student.

 Advanced Acro             $215 per term for the compulsory two classes a week.

​Advanced Ballet        $215 per term for the two Elementary ballet classes a week (not including pointe or technique).

Technique Class           $90 per term if the student is attending one of our other classes.

​Pointe Class                  $90 per term only open to invited students.

Casual Class                  $20 per class to be confirmed by dance school.

Private Lesson              $25 per half hour.

 Special discount of 5% when a family attends two or more full priced classes. Please note this is not in conjunction with Jazz/Tap combo, Advanced Acro, Technique or Pointe or classes. All discounts and class combos are for full term fees only.

​ Please note - Our terms run the same as school terms and depending on term, cover 8 to 10 classes.